Holger Böge
Higher Diploma in Business Administration, Certified Public Auditor, Certified Tax Advisor
Key competences
International accounting (IFRS, US-GAAP)
Audit and assurance
Transaction Services (Financial due diligence, M&A-advisory services)
Company valuation services and purchase price allocation
Management consulting (focus: accounting)
Since 2006 BRL BOEGE ROHDE LUEBBEHUESEN (Founding Partner)
1998 - 2005 Haarmann Hemmelrath & Partner, partner in the transaction services/audit depoartment
Since 1996 Certified Public Auditor
Since 1993 Certified Tax Advisor
1993 - 1998 Esche Schümann Commichau, manager and member of the management team in the audit department
1989 - 1993 Price Waterhouse, Hamburg
Studies in Business Administration at the University of Hamburg
Accounting 06/2006 (zusammen mit Rathje)
Controller-Statement - International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Internationaler Controller Verein e.V. (Mitglied des Autorenteams), 2008
IFRS – Chance oder Bedrohung für das Controlling, Accounting 04/2005
Mezzanine-Kapital für den Mittelstand, Brezski/Böge/Lübbehüsen/Rohde/Tomat, 2006
Wohin mit den Pensionsverpflichtungen? Contractual trust arrangements nach IFRS und deutschem Steuerrecht interessant