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JUVE: BRL is firm of the year for insolvency law and restructuring


On Thursday 25 Oct. 2018, BRL BOEGE ROHDE LUEBBEHUESEN was named Firm of the year for insolvency law and restructuring. JUVE, a well-known legal publishing house, explained why the firm was thus recognized:

“BRL has established itself as a go-to firm for the more difficult cases. Each year, it handles major insolvencies – Prokon and KTG Agrar long dominated headlines.

But this time the firm won a true insolvency double-header with Air Berlin/Niki and Alno. Since at Air Berlin neither the chief representative nor the trustee or insolvency administrators had large teams, BRL’s Stefan Denkaus, admired in the field as “outstanding and pragmatic”, bore much responsibility for operative measures.

The situation at Alno was different. Although later on there was some discussion as to how appropriate self-administration was in the case of this kitchen maker, there is no doubt that BRL’s combination of administrator expertise, experience with creditors and tax-law knowledge was right for the task at hand. It is undeniable that in many reorganization cases the use of own auditors and tax advisors is beneficial. Administrators at other firms long ago recognized this and turn to those persons when reviewing complex liability claims. BRL’s specialists are also familiar with contesting avoidance and liability claims, and are experts at distressed M&A deals.

In addition, they receive mandates as administrators, mostly for sensitive cases like the Kannenberg Academy near Bremen – but that’s really just the cherry on top of a thoroughly expert performance on a difficult stage.”
