Distressed M&A
If a company finds itself in a difficult financial position, the sale of the company or of certain holdings or business areas can improve the company’s liquidity, alleviate the crisis and stave off insolvency. If insolvency is unavoidable, selling the company or its assets as a whole is typically the preferred way to liquidate the company to the best possible satisfaction of its creditors, where restructuring is not possible.
Our focus areas in distressed M&A are:
- Legal advice to shareholders, insolvency administrators and investors in the sale and acquisition of distressed or insolvent companies (with or without an insolvency plan)
- Special expertise in the structuring and implementation of carve-out transactions for restructuring purposes
- Advising on and management of M&A transactions
- Legal and financial distressed due diligence
- Strategic advice on “ESUG” transactions (ESUG: Act for the Further Facilitation of Corporate Restructuring)
- Handling the labour and employment aspects of transactions
- Taxation and tax optimisation of M&A structures
Contact person(s)
Are you looking for a contact person in the area "Distressed M & A "? On the following page we offer you an overview of our experts in the field of distressed M & A . Visit the profiles of the experts, look at their areas of expertise and experience and, if you are interested, contact them directly with one click.
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